Afro + Curls Decoded [Part 2/3]


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Welcome back to the second part of our blog series, “Afros + Curls Decoded” In Part 2, we shift our focus to nurturing and caring for natural curls (one of my favourite things!). Now this is essentially worlds away from how one may care for straight hair textures. In this post, we’ll guide you through the essential steps and techniques for building a personalized curly haircare routine. Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to healthy, vibrant curls!

  1. Cleansing: Choosing the right shampoo is crucial for afro + curly hair. Use appropriate cleansers (have a mix of both mild shampoos that won’t strip away your hair’s natural oils for regular use AND deep- clarifying cleansers that will strip unwanted oils, build up, dirt and chemicals from your hair and scalp. Bo not bother consider using co-washing (using conditioner instead of shampoo) as an alternative cleansing method to maintain moisture- you want something with active cleansing agents that will effectively cleanse.
  2. Conditioning: Conditioning is a vital step in any curly haircare routine. Opt for a rich, moisturizing conditioner that locks in deep hydration to combat dryness. The electric charge of the conditioner activates the hair shaft to lock in and seal in moisture. There are many different types of conditioners and depending on the behaviour of your curls, you may want to use different ones in accordance to its needs at each point in time. Often, how you want to prepare the hair will very much depend on the end goal and what style you plan to keep. But in essence, after effective cleansing, conditioning is a key step to acheiving healthy curls.
  3. Detangling: Gentle Care for Your Curls Detangling curly hair requires patience and a gentle touch. Start by using your fingers or a wide-toothed comb to carefully remove any knots or tangles. Begin at the ends and work your way up to minimize breakage. You may find it helpful to detangle your hair in sections, applying a detangling spray or leave-in conditioner as needed for added slip. This process can be done at any stage – depending on the condition and state of the hair, it can vary but the beginning (before cleansing) is usually effective.
  4. Moisturizing: Hydration is Key Curly hair craves moisture. Remember that true moisturisation occurs during the shampooing/ cleansing stage so incorporating a moisturizer or styling product is not always essential. It can be depending on the condition and style you want. If you want this step in your routine, look for products that first contain water and also have natural oils, butters, and humectants to lock in moisture and define your curls. Feel free to experiment with different styling techniques, such as the LOC (liquid, oil, cream) or LCO (liquid, cream, oil) method, but if you do not have any time for that, feel free to skip this step and focus on regular cleansing and conditioning (weekly).
  5. Styling and Protection: Curly hair offers endless styling possibilities – but make no mistake – this step is essential for protecting, preserving and growing deeper in love with curls – either your own or others. Embrace your curls’ natural texture and experiment with different techniques, such as wash and go’s, twist-outs, braid-outs, braids, twists, canerows, blow outs, silk press, locs and updo’s. Feel free to use heat styling tools but only if you actually now what you are doing – don’t experiement just use a trusted professional service to prevent heat damage, and always apply a heat protectant before styling.
  6. Nighttime Care: Preserve and Protect Protecting your curls while you sleep is crucial for maintaining their shape and minimizing frizz. Invest in a satin or silk pillowcase or wrap your hair with a satin bonnet or scarf to reduce friction and preserve moisture.

Conclusion: Congratulations on building your personalized curly haircare routine! By following these essential steps, you’re well on your way to nurturing and embracing your beautiful curls. Remember, every curl is unique, so feel free to adjust and experiment with different products and techniques to find what works best for you.

In the final installment of our blog series, “Afro + Curls Decoded,” we’ll delve into the emotional aspects of embracing your natural hair and the importance of self-acceptance and self-care. Get ready to explore the transformative power of embracing your curls beyond the physical realm.

Don’t forget to follow and subscribe to my channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (@klerissamc, @curlybyn @afrocurlpros) for more insightful discussions, updates, and inspiration. And for all your natural haircare needs, explore our amazing range of products at

Stay fabulous, stay informed, and let’s continue unveiling the secrets of curls together!

Stay tuned for Part 3, where we explore the empowering journey of self-acceptance through embracing the curly lifestyle and nurturing your overall well-being.

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