The ‘Clean’ Conundrum: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Haircare Industry


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I had to dive into a thought-provoking topic that has been buzzing around the beauty industry: the concept of “clean” products within the haircare sector. As a passionate advocate for transparency and informed choices, I’ve delved deep into this issue, and I’m here to share my insights with you.

Exploring the Clean Trend:

In recent years, the term “clean” has gained significant traction across various industries, including haircare. It implies products that are free from potentially harmful or questionable ingredients. However, the true meaning of “clean” remains somewhat elusive. Does it guarantee safety, efficacy, or sustainability? Or has it become yet another marketing buzzword?

Understanding the Label:

The haircare sector, like many others, can be complex and overwhelming to navigate. As consumers, we often look for labels that promise natural, organic, or clean formulations (yes for now we must park the labels of hair categories ‘1-4/ a-c typing system, because that deserves to be addressed seperately). However, it’s essential to dig deeper and assess the actual ingredients and practices behind these claims. A label alone does not always paint the full picture not matter how much you believe you understand the label as a consumer or hair practicioner. Let’s face it, as soon as you understand or recognise a set of ingredients as consumers, a new set comes out! This is normal, and mostly good! New technology and innovations (both organic and synthetic alike) allows professional formulators to build the products you come to love and use daily but in a more effective and efficient manner. In my opinon – it is trust and transparency that was the main catalyst for the shift in the industry direction. That and brands not being connected and complacent with trust that were placed with them by consumers.

Transparency and Education:

To make informed choices, we must prioritize transparency and education. Do not get me wrong, it is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients commonly found in haircare products and understand their potential effects. But it is equally important to look beyond buzzwords and marketing jargon by researching the brand’s values, sourcing practices, and commitment to sustainable packaging and production. Even as a brand owner myself, I think its important to engage with and. hold brands accountable. Even if we do not always get it right, we should at least be committed to.

Balancing Safety and Effectiveness:

While the desire for clean products is understandable, it’s crucial to strike a balance between safety and effectiveness. Not all synthetic ingredients are harmful, and not all natural ingredients are benign. Focus on understanding the purpose and potential benefits of each ingredient, rather than simply relying on labels and thinking that anything you cannot pronounce will harm you. Seriously – as a dyslexic, dyspraxic founder and cosmetic scientist – I for sure still struggle to pronounce things correctly. Its designed to be an international reference for chemists.

The Need for Industry Accountability:

As consumers, we play a vital role in demanding transparency and accountability from haircare brands. I am not against pushing for clear and standardized definitions of terms like “clean” to avoid confusion and ensure consistency across the industry. By supporting brands that prioritize research, safety, and sustainability, we encourage the development of truly clean and responsible products.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

In conclusion, the term “clean” in the haircare sector is a complex and evolving concept. While it holds the potential to guide us toward safer and more sustainable choices, it also requires careful consideration and scrutiny. As consumers, let’s prioritize education, transparency, and responsible decision-making.

So, my fabulous readers, I invite you to join me on this journey of exploration and discovery. Let’s challenge the status quo, demand accountability, and seek out brands that align with our values. Together, we can redefine the meaning of “clean” in the haircare sector and pave the way for a truly transparent and conscious industry.

Remember, knowledge is power, and informed choices drive change.

Don’t forget to follow and subscribe to my channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (@klerissamc @curlybyn @afrocurlpros) for more insightful discussions, updates, and inspiration.

And if you’re looking for natural, professional haircare products that prioritize transparency and effectiveness, be sure to check out our amazing offerings at

Stay fabulous, stay informed, and let’s continue reshaping the future of haircare together!

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