Afro + Curls Decoded [Part 1/3]


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Welcome to the first installment of our blog series, “Afro + Curls Decoded” In this three-part series, we embark on a journey to help you understand and embrace your natural curls. This is a soft intro – if you are a pro practicioner head to for deeper content that will add to your bottom line, if you just want to practice on your own curls head to and if you just want a basic understanding then read on. In Part 1, I’ll lay the foundation by decoding the basics of curly hair. Let’s dive in!

Afro and curly hair comes in various textures, each head of hair with its own unique beauty and characteristics. Whilst it has the same fundamental components of straight textures, the behaviour of the hair varies tremendously in different conditions and reacts differently!

Wavy Hair: This hair type ranges from loose S-shaped waves to defined curls. It tends to be more susceptible to frizz and can benefit from lightweight styling products that enhance natural movement.

Curly Hair: Curly hair is characterized by well-defined, springy curls that form ringlets or corkscrew shapes. This hair type often craves moisture to maintain its shape and prevent dryness.

Coily Hair: Coily hair has tight coils or zigzag patterns. It is prone to shrinkage and can appear shorter than it actually is. This hair type thrives with deep hydration and protective styling to retain moisture and minimize breakage.

Identifying your hair type (NOT CURL PATTERN) is essential because it helps you understand how your curls naturally behave and allows you to tailor your haircare routine accordingly.

Have you ever wondered why curly hair behaves differently from straight hair? The answer lies in the unique structure of the hair shaft. Each strand of curly hair is characterized by twists, bends, and uneven protein distribution. These structural differences contribute to the shape and texture of your curls.

Additionally, curly hair tends to be drier compared to straight hair due to the natural oils from the scalp having a harder time traveling down the hair shaft. This dryness can lead to frizz and increased susceptibility to damage. Understanding the science behind curls allows you to make informed choices when it comes to products and techniques that promote hydration, define your curls, and minimize frizz.

Every curl pattern is beautiful and unique. Embracing your natural curl pattern is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance. It’s about celebrating your individuality and letting go of societal beauty standards that may have influenced your perception of curls.

To fully embrace your curls, start by appreciating and working with your hair’s natural texture without the feeling of it being ‘not done, ‘unkept’, ‘messy’, ‘nappy’ and ‘ungroomed’. Your natural curls can be polished the same way straight hair can be. Experiment with different styling techniques, products, and hairstyles to find what works best for you. It’s all about finding the balance between nourishing your curls and expressing your personal style.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards understanding and embracing natural curls! By recognizing your hair texture and delving into the science behind curls, you’re well on your way to nurturing and styling your curls with confidence.

In the upcoming blog posts of this series, we’ll explore essential tips, techniques, and practices for nurturing and styling your curls. Get ready to build a customized haircare routine, learn various styling techniques, and uncover the empowering journey of self-acceptance through embracing your curls.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll dive into the world of curl care routines and essential tips for nurturing your beautiful curls. Don’t forget to follow and subscribe to my channels on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (@klerissamc) for more insightful discussions, updates, and inspiration. And for all your natural haircare needs, explore our amazing range of products at

Remember, your curls are unique and deserve to be celebrated. Embrace your natural beauty, and let your curls shine!

Stay fabulous, stay informed, and let’s continue unveiling the secrets of curls together!

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